
Governor Pailin's Message To Women

With Governor Pailin's nomination at the RNC Convention, now unwed teen mothers are a part of the GOP platform. After witnessing the sideshow at the RNC last week on television, the American people were watching a pregnant teenager with her unemployed teenage baby's daddy. Also the American people viewed a newborn infant being passed around from person to person. So, what's Sarah Palin going to do for ALL pregnant unwed teenagers in America? How about ALL mothers with special needs baby. The Palin Vice Presidency begs the following questions:

1. Who will pay for the pre-natal care
2. $10,000 for a vaginal delivery with no complications. C-sections cost a lot more money.
3. The family already has a history of downs syndrome, what if this baby has some birth defect that has to require an extended stay in the newborn infants intensive care unit...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
4. Who is going to take care of both babies while the girl goes back to school?
5. Is childcare available for other unwed teens?
6. Will she be on birth control after the baby? Is this a prescription benefit, or will it just be cash and carry.
7. How about the other unwed teenage mother's and infant's health and nutrition? Will Palin extend food stamps or increase WIC funding?
8. How are unwed teens going to pay for a new baby.....Will Palin bring back AFDC or welfare?
9. How about well baby care, infant mortality is really highest among the poor and young?

It seems like the Republicans are going to have to incorporate some of the Democrat's issues, food stamps, universal health care, housing, educational funding, childcare funding, and welfare.