
Media Amnesia Candidate Sarah Palin vs. Run-up to Iraqi War


The 2008 Election season has now entered into the Twilight Zone. Rod Sterling needs to que the sound track intro. The ghost of Joseph Goebbels sprinkles his “big lie” theory on the Republican candidate for Vice President, Governor Sarah Palin. Now the “big lie” has morphed into the “big narrative.” And just like the run-up to the Iraqi war, the media gorges themselves in Republican Goebbelesque big narrative.
Salon Magazine published an article on April of 2007, by Gary Kamiya, entitled “Iraq: Why the media failed.” Salon's article examines the media complicity with the Republican establishment. As Kamiya's piece asserts in its title, “Afraid to challenge America's leaders or conventional wisdom about the Middle East, a toothless press collapsed.” Why is today different from any other day. The media has proven itself to be the propaganda arm for the Republican establishment, and so it goes during this election race.

The exact same Republican establishment that shoved the Iraqi war down the collective throats of the American people using the same tactics and strategies to push Sarah Palin into the Executive Office. The faces in front of the camera may have changed, Palin and McCain have replaced Bush and Cheney, but the power behind the thrown remains the same.

According to the AP wire reports, the media's Alaskan embedded reporters that can't question the Candidate Palin, nor will she speak on the record. The real kicker is that our fourth estate seems to be as complicit with this arrangement as they were with the Iraqi jingoism.
Heaven help us all.
