
Bill Kristol Said for Palin to Go Kramer on Obama

Bill Kristol's article "The Wright Stuff," says that the "Hockey Mom" is going to go for the Michael Richards (Kramer)attack against Obama. Bill Kristol called Mrs. Palin to remind her that her base was still extremely racist, and for her to take the gloves off and play the race card. He didn't mention Sarah Palin's own husband's association with the Alaska Independence Party. Mr. Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, happens to be a card-carying member of a secessionist movement in Alaska that wants Alaska to gain its independence from the rest of the USA and form its own state.
As McCain drops in the polls, the calls for the Michael Richards (Sinefeld's Kramer) will grow even louder. Matt Drudge has been doing his part by conflating OJ with Senator Obama. Drudge even replaced Obama's picture with OJ's on his website. Kristol and Drudge as well as the David Duke types know that there is a large number of straight-up racists brownshirts that can't wait to scapegoat a race for their own political gains. Kristol knows this, since that was Joseph Goebbels' tact in Nazi Germany to exterminate the Jews.
Check out Kristol's column, he even entitled it "The Wright Stuff"......Ha, ha, ha....Kristol said for Palin to take the gloves off and play the race card with a wink and a nod:

Palin also made clear that she was eager for the McCain-Palin campaign to be more aggressive in helping the American people understand “who the real Barack Obama is.” Part of who Obama is, she said, has to do with his past associations, such as with the former bomber Bill Ayers. Palin had raised the topic of Ayers Saturday on the campaign trail, and she maintained to me that Obama, who’s minimized his relationship with Ayers, “hasn’t been wholly truthful” about this.

I pointed out that Obama surely had a closer connection to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright than to Ayers — and so, I asked, if Ayers is a legitimate issue, what about Reverend Wright?

She didn’t hesitate: “To tell you the truth, Bill, I don’t know why that association isn’t discussed more, because those were appalling things that that pastor had said about our great country, and to have sat in the pews for 20 years and listened to that — with, I don’t know, a sense of condoning it, I guess, because he didn’t get up and leave — to me, that does say something about character. But, you know, I guess that would be a John McCain call on whether he wants to bring that up.”

I guess so. And I guess we’ll soon know McCain’s call on whether he wants to bring Wright up — perhaps at his debate with Obama Tuesday night.

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