
Happiest Olympic Worker 2012: Rachel Onasanwo

Happiest Olympic Worker 2012: Rachel Onasanwo

From the NY Daily News, "‘Happiest Olympic Worker’ talks to the Daily News," by Christina Boyle, on 30 July 2012 -- LONDON - She applied for a job at London 2012 hoping for a life changing experience - and got far more than she bargained for.

Rachel Onasanwo, 23, became the talk of the Olympics Monday after a video showing her enthusiastically welcoming the crowds to the opening ceremony went viral.

"We're ready, we're excited, London 2012, my mouth is dry, I need some water but I'm still talking because I'm that happy I'm going to overcome it," she says in a typically British deadpan voice while the people taping her chuckle in the background.

Happiest Olympic Worker 2012

"I cannot contain my excitement everybody, today is a very special day, we are going to be telling our children's children's children's children's children about this day."

Onasanwo, who lives in Hackney, east London, is a member of the "last mile team" which makes her responsible for giving directions to the spectators and ensuring they're having a good time just before they pass through the Olympic Park gates.

She says she was thrilled when she found out the job involved being seated on a high chair, like a tennis umpire, armed with a megaphone.

"I was like: 'Yes, I have a podium to talk to people," she said. "And there was the added benefit of sitting down."

The video, entitled "Happiest Olympic Worker” has already had more than 550,000 hits, and Onasanwo says happiness is a trait that comes easily to her.

"I'm a people pleaser, that's my job, I please the crowd," she joked.

"But I can't believe the response, it's surreal ... I'm just a normal person." (source: NY Daily News)

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