
Rightwing Jihad Against Debate Moderator, Gwen Ifill

The right-wingnut jobs have their long knives out to decapitate the Vice Presidential Debate moderator Gwen Ifill. Forget the fact that Ms. Ifill is a woman, because the rightwing cry of sexism only applies to white women. They've waged similar battles against Oprah and Michelle Obama. But, the day before the scheduled one and only VP Debate, the crazies have broken-out of their asylum and ditched their straight jackets for jackboots. Read this link from today's Matt Drudge's front page is a nasty article on World Net Daily against Gwen Ifill.

Under his white robe, by the glow of a fiery cross, Bob Unruh the author of the World Net Daily hitpiece against Ms. Ifill, makes the racist undertones of his article quite clear. Don't believe me? Scroll to the bottom of the page at WND and you'll see the "related links" are almost slanderous and certainly anti-Obama. And this fool has the nerve to question the credentials of Gwen Ifill. The related offers read like links from David Duke's stormfront:

Get "The Audacity of Deceit," and learn about the looming hostile attack on Judeo-Christian values and freedoms Americans hold dear; Get Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," autographed by the author, exclusively from WND's online store; "NObama" magnetic bumper sticker; Whistleblower magazine's "THE SECRET LIFE OF BARACK OBAMA".
So, consider the source of the negative Gwen Ifill press. If the aforementioned anti-Obama offers weren't enough, the WND also provides links to previous anti-Obama stories:
Another Weatherman terrorist a player in Obama campaign; Guess who recommended Obama to enter Harvard; Obama worked closely with terrorist Bill Ayers; Obama cited Ayers job as qualification to run;
Meet Obama's new Bill Ayers associate; Obama minimizes relationship with Ayers; Obama accuses McCain of linking him to 'radical'
The intimidation efforts of the propaganda arm of the rightwing noise machine is spewing their brand of racial hatred against PBS anchor Gwen Ifill. What do the wingnuts perceive as Ms. Ifill's crime? Well, first she was born black and female in the United States, so her criminal act of asking a question about black women and AIDS during the 2004 Vice Presidential Debates between Dick and John was just too much.

But the real kicker was that Ms. Ifill didn't know her place as she covered Gov. Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC Convention. The WND author states “But she also was cited in complaints PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler said he received after Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin delivered her nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., earlier this month.”

In other words, Ms. Ifill did not show proper deference to Gov. Palin. As she winced during Gov. Palin's snarky rant at the RNC Convention. Again the hitmen at WND said, “Some viewers complained of a "dismissive" look by Ifill during her report on Palin's speech. According to Getler, some also said she wore a look of "disgust" while reporting on the Republican candidate.”
Once again Matt Drudge leads the charge against black women. First Michelle Obama, next Oprah, now Gwen Ifill. The Drudge Report and the Rightwing propaganda noise machine has declared war against black women. After all it's not sexist, if it denigrates black women, since sexism only applies to white women.

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