
Republican Jihadists Declare Fatwa on Indiana Voters

From Johan Golberg: "More Voter Registration Shenanigans: Indianapolis Has 105% Of Its Population Registered To Vote"

Does ACORN have an office in Indianapolis? You know they do.
According to STATSIndiana, In 2007, Indianapolis/Marion County had an estimated population of 876,804. Of that number 232,607 were below 18 years of age, for a total of 644,197 people in Marion County/Indianapolis 18 or over and thus eligible to
vote. (Indiana allows felons to vote as long as they are not incarcerated).

So we have 644,197 people eligible to be registered in Marion County/Indianapolis, and 677,401 people registered. Congratulations go to Indianapolis for having 105% of its residents registered!"

What Goldberg and the other loony right-wingnut jobs fail to qualify is that a census has not been taken in Indianapolis/Marion County since 2000. So, they are dealing with data that is almost 9 years old. Moreover, African Americans have been historically undercounted by the United States since the first census was supervised by Thomas Jefferson, read by Benjamin Franklin and delivered to President George Washington.

Then again, Republicans seem to revel in their own self-afflicted stupidity and lack of intellectual curiosity. The GOP goat-dumb writers just like to spout numbers without taking a deeper look at underlying historic undercounts and immigration patterns within the State of Indiana.

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