
Oprah under Attack

The Republican noise machine has Oprah Winfrey in their cross-hairs. Now Matt Drudge, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have mounted a sustained attack against Oprah. The GOP's rebel battle cry to rally around McCain's Vice Presidential running mate is to bark and snarl “misogyny” and “sexism”. It's one of their talking points to shut-down any oppositional or probing questions. However, Drudge, Hannity, Limbaugh, et al have forgotten that Oprah is a one woman, too. It seems like the rightwing noise machine only thinks that white women are "women,” but black women like Oprah also belong to the female sisterhood of the XX chromosomes.
It certainly is ironic that Palin just took the liberal media to the woodshed in her snarky acceptance speech. Then it begs the question, as to why should Sarah Palin browbeat and bully Oprah for airtime. In light of the fact that Oprah is the queen of the so called liberal elite media talk show daytime divas.
Oprah could have an open mike for reporters to do a Q&A with the Republican choice for Commander in Chief.. Or let some real American people asking questions. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are ALL media outlets, so why are they selling wolf tickets to bully your pitbull dog in lipstick to appear on the Oprah Show. Why doesn't Gov. Palin avail herself to the press?