
Sarah's Media Blitz

Joe the Republican's irresponsible nomination of Governor Sarah Palin as the Vice President of the United States of America just screams a loud and cynical rebel yell of "Country First."
"Country First" indeed. After carefully viewing Mrs. Palin's current media blitz, it's absolutely scary that 57 million Americans voted for her to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency. The end of the Bush years has left the country embroiled in two-foreign wars, an economic meltdown, Republican led nationalization of the finance industry, joblessness rates rising, home values plumeting and an epic level of forclosures. With this in mind the Country Firsters voted to put Sarah Palin in the second highest office in the land.
From the Great State of Alabama that voted overwelmingly for the McCain Palin ticket, the Crimson White's article by Spencer White blasts McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate.
In his article, Mr. White asserts: "The woman [Sarah Palin] who thought Africa was a country, who stated the bailout benefited health-care reform, couldn’t name the member nations of NAFTA or a Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade and who called Columbia University and pro-Palestinian Middle Eastern professor Rashid Khalidi a terrorist was not ready to be a clerk for a senator, much less a 72 year-old cancer survivor’s heartbeat away from holding the highest office in the most powerful country in the world." Your judgment, Sen. McCain, was seriously to be questioned, as well as the true motives of a man who, according to his campaign slogan, put 'Country First.'"

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