
VP Debate: Palin Vomits Talking Points

From Newsweek: "Palin's plan was simple: deliver your talking points and pivot to an attack on Barack Obama--regardless of what moderator Gwen Ifill asks. The results of this strategy were mixed. For one thing, Palin's repeated attempts to bait Biden into making one of his famous "gaffes" or saying something "condescending"--she repeatedly sought to provoke his ire by pointing out issues (i.e., Iraq war funding, experience) on which he and Obama had parted ways in the past--did not succeed."...

"The problem for Palin, however, was that she often seemed to run out of talking points--at which point her answers would disintegrate into the confusing "blizzards of words" that Charlie Gibson recently endured. Asked about the causes of climate change, for example, the Alaskan seemed unable to muster an intelligible response"

From Gather.com: "If Sarah Palin was "being herself" then she must have spent her life repeating John McCain's talking points. Other than the periods when she simply yammered on unintelligibly, the Alaskan governor was able to repeat the embarrassingly obviously rehearsed McCain campaign talking points verbatim. And I thought if she said "there" one more time my head would explode. I guess that's her idea of charming."

"This debate was like watching the professor debate the student. Joe Biden brought his extensive resume to the table and it showed. Palin added nothing but regurgitated Campaign talking points, cutesy hockey mom remarks, and unrelated anecdotes that were barren of specifics on policy or proposals."

From Politico: " She looked like she was trying to get people to take her seriously. He looked like he was running for vice president. His answers were more responsive to the questions, far more detailed and less rhetorical. "

"On at least ten occasions, Palin gave answers that were nonspecific, completely generic, pivoted away from the question at hand, or simply ignored it: on global warming, an Iraq exit strategy, Iran and Pakistan, Iranian diplomacy, Israel-Palestine (and a follow-up), the nuclear trigger, interventionism, Cheney's vice presidency and her own greatest weakness."

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