
Soup is Good Stock

On the day that the Dow absorbs its biggest one-day loss in history (777.68 points). The Nasdaq dropped 199.61 (9.14%), to 1,983.73, the eighth largest point decline and the third biggest percentage fall in its history.
The Standard & Poor's 500 index declined 106.59 (8.79%), to 1,106.42. It was the S&P's largest-ever point drop and its biggest percentage loss since the week after the October 1987 crash. When 499 of the S&P 500 stocks headed south for the biggest stock meltdown of the new century, one sock held it's value and even increased. Campbell's Soup is not only good food, but in the midst of an economic collapse, it also proves to be a sound investment.

Even Stephen Colbert noted the Campbell Soup rally phenomenon:

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