
Conservative Kathleen Parker

From Buckley's National Review Online, Kathleen Parker states in her article entitled, "Put the Gloves Back On: Pit bulls beware": 

 The McCain campaign knows that Obama isn’t a Muslim or a terrorist, but they’re willing to help a certain kind of voter think he is. Just the way certain South Carolinians in 2000 were allowed to think that McCain’s adopted daughter from Bangladesh was his illegitimate black child. But words can have more serious consequences than lost votes and we’ve already had a glimpse of the Palin effect.

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post reported that media representatives in Clearwater were greeted with taunts, thunder sticks and profanity. One Palin supporter shouted an epithet at an African-American soundman and said, “Sit down, boy.”

McCain may want to call off his pit bull before this war escalates.

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