Let's play the Wall Street bailout game. From the Republican Party that brought the US decades of deregulated markets that shouted from the mountain tops that "government is the problem," "free markets," "privatization," and "personal responsibility" are caterwauling and groveling at the doors of big government for a bailout. The American people are hurting from the poor choices and crappy stewardship of total Republican tyranny. This is the GOP that lead the USA into not one, but two wars abroad. The GOP that looted the national treasury for 7 years. The same
repugnant Republican Bush Administration that cried wolf and used scare tactics to rob the American taxpayers of their
liberties, freedoms and now they've got their grubby hands in our pocketbooks. ENOUGH!
The American people are extremely concerned about recent turmoil in the nation’s economy, including the dramatic events of last week.

1. Congress must not adjourn until it addresses this situation.
2. Due Diligence: we must protect the hard-earned assets of the American public.
3. Prudence: No reforms = no money for the bailout.
4. Help families fight off foreclosure.
5. Wrongdoers must be held responsible.
I do not believe that the people who helped bring about this situation should be allowed to profit from it. Therefore, I will insist on measures that hold responsible anyone whose actions helped bring us to this extraordinary moment where the American people are being called upon to save the financial system.
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