
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, The FBI Gets More Power

Remember the Rouge Department of Justice? Of course not, CNN will cover the OJ Trial extensively. As if that fool OJ had any impact on the lives of anybody outside of his close circle. Nope the media will show the American people how stupid they think we are by spending countless hours covering a burglary trial of a has-been NFL jock. Who the hell even cares. Meanwhile Nero Media, your 4th Amendment is burning over in the Republican headed Department of Justice. Does anyone actually trust these crooks and liars to administer justice? The Department of Justice is composed of the folks that former Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and Monica Goodling hired. Good grief!

According to the Washington Post article, "Rule Changes Would Give FBI Agents Extensive New Powers," by Carrie Johnson dateline 12 September 2008:

The Justice Department will unveil changes to FBI ground rules today that would put much more power into the hands of line agents pursuing leads on national security, foreign intelligence and even ordinary criminal cases.

The overhaul, the most substantial revision to FBI operating instructions in years, also would ease some reporting requirements between agents, their supervisors and federal prosecutors in what authorities call a critical effort to improve information gathering and detect terrorist threats.

The changes would give the FBI's more than 12,000 agents the ability at a much earlier stage to conduct physical surveillance, solicit informants and interview friends of people they are investigating without the approval of a bureau supervisor. Such techniques are currently available only after FBI agents have opened an investigation and developed a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed or that a threat to national security is developing.
Authorities say the changes would eliminate confusion for agents who investigate drug, gang or national security cases.

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